The data on this website is for general purposes only and does not constitute advice. No rights can be derived from these data. VanOlde is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of any data on the website.

Links to or from other websites
This website may provide links to external websites or media offered by third parties. VanOlde is not liable for the use or content of external sites that link to or from this website. Our Privacy Statement does not apply to any collection and processing of personal data on or via such external websites.

Intellectual property rights
Unless otherwise indicated, vanOlde owns all rights to this website and the data, including copyrights and other intellectual property rights. You may view and make copies of the contents of our website for your own use only. You may not make any other use of this website or the data without vanOlde’s express written consent.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
These terms are governed exclusively by Dutch law. All disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, including disputes concerning their existence or validity, will be resolved by the courts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.